Apar Grading For Increment. 2 (h) “promotion” means appointment of a member of the service to the next higher grade over the one in which he is serving at the relevant time; For example, if a particular macp falls due on or after 25.07.2016, the following benchmark for apars are applicable for level 11 and below:
Revision of APAR Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms from dpar.nagaland.gov.in
Integrity column in apar •reporting officer to make a clear and categorical mention about integrity •in case of doubt: Minimum grading of ‘very good’ in each of the last five apars under 2 (h) “promotion” means appointment of a member of the service to the next higher grade over the one in which he is serving at the relevant time;
It Is Clarified That Due To The Reason Of The Employee Being Declared ‘Unfit’ For Not Meeting The Prescribed Benchmark (Based On Apar Grading) By The Initial Screening Committee And If The Employee Is Recommended ‘Fit’ By The Screening Committee For Subsequent Year/Years, On His Meeting The Prescribed Benchmark, Financial Upgradation.
Next meeting india posts’ retired officers’association, respected sir/ma'am, the next meeting of india posts' retired officers' association will be held on saturday the 28th november 2020 at 10.30 a.m onwards through zoom under the chairmanship of shri r.ganesan ex secretary dept of posts india. For example, if a particular macp falls due on or after 25.07.2016, the following benchmark for apars are applicable for level 11 and below: Pen picture of the officer reported upon
As Cases Continue To Occur Where Confirmation, Regular Promotion, Appointment To Sensitive Posts, Etc.
Numerical grading by reporting & reviewing for (a) quality of work (40%), (b) personal attributes(30%) and (c ) functional competency (30%) grading of 1 or 2 and 9 or 10 need to be adequately justified in the pen picture. The columns in the apar should be filled in with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. (i) “referral board” means a board consisting of officers of the service designated by the central government for cases relating to all officers of the service on central
1 (3G + 2Vg) (5Vg).
A minimum grading of ‘very good’ is also required in each of the five apars. Minimum grading of ‘very good’ in each of the last five apars under All india institute of medical sciences.
The Date From Which The New Benchmark Was Made Applicable, May Be.
The central civil service (revised pay) rules 2016 states the following in respect of date of next increment. Apar format for officers of the grade ee and below. (1) there shall be two dates for grant of increment namely, 1st january and 1st july of every year, instead of existing date of 1st july:
Of Even Umber Dated 14.05.2009 On The Subjects Of Timely Preparation And Proper Maintenance Of Apar And Making The Apar Transparent For Representation For Upgradation, If.
The online generation or distribution of blank forms will be completed by july 31, 2020. For example, if the business rule start date is january 1, 2015, period is yearly, frequency is 1, and you select yes, the increment runs from january 1, 2015 onward. Whether completed apar of his juniors.
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